This video tutorial explains you about new features on C# 6.0 visual studio 2013. From this video tutorial, you will understand what is improvised in C# 6.0 visual studio 2013 and the new features in C# 6.0 visual studio 2013. Features introduced in C# 6.0 visual studio 2013 includes Null-Conditional Operator, Auto-Property Initializers, Nameof Expressions, Primary Constructors, Expression Bodied Functions and Properties.
Now let us get into the details of new features in C# 6.0 visual studio 2013 in this video tutorial.
Webinar on What's New in C# 6.0
Now let us get into the details of new features in C# 6.0 visual studio 2013 in this video tutorial.
Webinar on What's New in C# 6.0